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    • Message from Pr. Mbissane Ngom

    • Course Guide

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    Module I: Introduction to drugs

    • Introduction to drugs by Pr. Isidore Obot (CRISA)

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    Module II: Social perception of drug users in Africa

    • Social construction of the image of the drug user in Senegal by Dr. Albert Gauthier Ndione (UCAD)

    • Interview of Ousmane Gueye

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    Module III: The international system of drug control in Africa

    • History and development of the leading international drug control conventions by Pr. Kwadwo Appiagyei (University of Ghana)

    • A guide to the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drug

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    Module IV: Drug policies in Africa

    • African Union plan of action on drugs, transnational crime & the role of civil society by Adeolu Ogunrumbia (CEDEAO)

    • The action of ECOWAS and the States to deal with drug consumption by Babacar Diouf (Regional Expert)

    • Drug policy in southern Africa (Shaun Shelly- University of Pretoria / TBHIV Care)

    • Harm reduction in Kenya (Interview by Bernice Apondi)

    • The model drug law for West Africa by Maria Goretti Loglo (IDPC)

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    Module V: Human rights and drug control policies

    • Human rights and drug control policies in Africa by Pr. Mbissane Ngom (UGB)

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    Module VI: Drug policy reform in Africa

    • Drug policy reform in Africa by Dr. Khalid Tinasti (GCDP)

    • Interview of Myrtle Clarke

    • Panel on reform in Ghana with Ibrahima Kwarteng (Ghana Broadcasting Corporation), Seth Acheampong (Parliament), Yaw Akrasi Sarpong (NACOB) moderated by Maria Goretti Loglo (IDPC)

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    Module VII: Decriminalization et decongestion of prisons in Africa

    • Legal regime of drug use by Pr. Mbissane Ngom (UGB)

    • Interview of POS Foundation by Jonathan Osuwu

    • Race and drugs in South Africa by Charity Monareng (TB HIV Care)

    • Ghana Jail documentary

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    Module IX: Harm Reduction

    • Harm reduction for injectable drug users by Pr. Idrissa Ba (CEPIAD)

    • CEPIAD Interviews

    • Paroles Autour de la Santé Interviews

    • PILS interviews

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    Module X: Gender and Drugs

    • Women, gender and drugs in West Africa by Dr. Rose André Faye (UCAD)

    • Interview of the female lawyer association in Senegal

    • Gender and drugs by Mary Chepkonga (Expert)

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    Module XI: Advocay tools

    • INPUD: Hisory of the movement of people who use drugs

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    • International conventions

    • National West African laws